Zvonimir Šipuš
Zvonimir Šipuš was born in Zagreb, Croatia, in 1964. He received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Zagreb, Croatia, in 1988 and 1991, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, in 1997.
From 1988 to 1993, he worked at Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb, Croatia, as Research Assistant, involved in the development of detectors for explosive gases. In 1994, he joined the Antenna Group at Chalmers University of Technology, where he was involved in research projects concerning conformal antennas and soft and hard surfaces. In 1997, he joined the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, where he is now a Professor. From 2008 to 2012 and from 2014 to 2018, he was the head of the Department of of Wireless Communications. From 1999 to 2005, he was also an Adjunct Researcher at the Department of Electromagnetics, Chalmers University of Technology. Since 2006 he was engaged in teaching in the European Doctoral School of Antennas (ESoA).
Prof. Šipuš main research interests include the analysis and design of electromagnetic structures with application to antennas, microwaves, and optical communication and sensor systems. Related to the analysis of microwave antennas and antenna arrays prof. Šipuš worked on modeling antenna arrays, especially conformal microstrip and waveguide arrays. He also worked on the modeling periodic electromagnetic structures (metasurfaces, metamaterials, periodic structures with higher symmetry, EBG structures, frequency selective surfaces). In the area of numerical methods in electromagnetics, he worked on the application of the moment method to various electromagnetic problems. He is a co-author of an algorithm for calculating Green's functions of planar, cylindrical and spherical multilayer structures, which has been intensively used for 20 years in several research groups. In the last few years, prof. Šipuš participated in the analytical modelling of antennas for body-centric communication and sensor systems and in the derivation of fundamental limits for implanted antennas - the upper limit for the radiated power and power density reaching free space.
Related to optical communication and sensor systems prof. Šipuš worked on development of next generation optical access networks (in particular WDM-PON solution with new type of optical sources with extended resonator cavity and averaging mirror), on development of optical sensor systems for measuring vibrations, strain and temperature (in particular for high-power electrical engines), and on the analysis of nonlinear pulse propagation in optical fibers.
Prof. Šipuš is a Full Member of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts. He received the annual national science award in 2006 for research of conformal antennas and periodic structures, and the golden plaque “Josip Lončar” in 2023 for his contribution to scientific research at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing. He is married and father of two daughters.
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