Scientific interests
- optical communications and components (design and modeling of optical fibers, optical communication systems design, optical sensors)
- periodic structures (metasurfaces, metamaterials, periodic structures with higher symmetries)
- numerical methods (Method of Moments applied in the modelling of multilayered structures)
- microwave antennas (microstrip antennas, lenses and lens antennas, implantable antennas)
- conformal antennas (cylindrical and spherical antenna arrays)
- electromagnetic field theory
Recent publications in scientific journals (2010. -2023.)
(entire list of publications: ):
[1] M. Gao, Z. Šipuš, I. V. Soares, S. Raman, D. Nikolayev, A. K. Skrivervik, “Analytical Model for Calculating Gain Pattern of Antennas Implanted in Large Host Bodies,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Early Access, 2024.
[2] D. Tomić and Z. Šipuš, “Rigorous Coupled Wave Analysis of Parallel-Plate Waveguides Loaded With Glide-Symmetric Dielectric Structures,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Early Access, 2024.
[3] M. Gao, J. D. Rosenthal, K. Wu, G. A. Ramírez, Z. Sipus, S. P. Lacour, and A. K. Skrivervik, "Radiation Patterns of RF Wireless Devices Implanted in Small Animals: Unexpected Deformations Due to Body Resonance," IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, Vol. 18 , No. 1, pp. 27 – 38, Jan. 2024.
[4] Z. Šipuš, D. Barbarić and M. Bosiljevac, "Design of Cascaded Cylindrical Metasurfaces Using Resonance Cancellation Method," IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol. 22, No. 12, pp. 2841 - 2845, Dec. 2023.
[5] D. Mikulić, E. Šopp, D. Bonefačić, J. Bartolić, and Z. Šipuš. "Design and Realization of Wearable Textile Slotted Waveguide Antennas," Sensors, Vol. 23, no. 17, Paper No. 7509, 2023.
[6] M. Gao, Z. Šipuš, and A. Skrivervik, “Analytic Approximation of In-Body Path Loss for Implanted Antennas,” IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 4, pp. 537-545, 2023.
[7] I. Soares, M. Gao, E. Cil, Z. Sipus, A. Skrivervik, J. Ho, D. Nikolayev, “Wireless Powering Efficiency of Deep-Body Implantable Devices,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 71, no. 7, pp. 2680-2692, June 2023.
[8] M. Kuprešak, X. Zheng, R. Mittra, Z. Šipuš, G. Vandenbosch, V. Moshchalkov, “Single-Molecule Fluorescence Enhancement by Plasmonic Core–Shell Nanostructures Incorporating Nonlocal Effects,” Advanced Theory and Simulations, Vol. 5, Paper No. 2100558, 2022.
[9] D.Mikulić, E. Šopp, D. Bonefačić, Z. Šipuš, “Textile Slotted Waveguide Antennas for Body-Centric Applications,” Sensors, Vol. 22 (2022), Paper No. 1046, 2022.
[10] P. Castillo-Tapia, K. Van Gassen, Q. Chen, F. Mesa, Z. Šipuš, O. Quevedo-Teruel, "Dispersion Analysis of Twist-Symmetric Dielectric Waveguides," Photonics, Vol. 8. Paper No. 8060206, 2021.
[11] Z. Šipuš, A. Šušnjara, A. Skrivervik, D. Poljak, M. Bosiljevac, "Influence of Uncertainty of Body Permittivity on Achievable Radiation Efficiency of Implantable Antennas – Stochastic Analysis,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 69, no. 10, pp. 6894-6905, Oct. 2021.
[12] Z. Šipuš, K. Cavar, M.Bosiljevac,E. Rajo-Iglesias, "Glide-Symmetric Holey Structures Applied to Waveguide Technology: Design Considerations," Sensors, Vol. 20, Paper No. 6871, 2020.
[13] O. Quevedo-Teruel, G. Valerio, Z. Šipuš, E. Rajo-Iglesias, "Periodic Structures with Higher Symmetries," IEEE Microwave Magazine, Vol. 21, Issue 11; pp. 36-49, 2020.
[14] D. Barbarić, Z. Šipuš, "Designing Metasurfaces with Canonical Unit Cells," Crystals, Vol. 10, Paper No. 938, 2020.
[15] O. Quevedo-Teruel et al., “Roadmap on metasurfaces,” Journal of Optics, Vol. 21, Issue 7; Paper No. 073002, 2019.
[16] Z. Šipuš, Z. Ereš, D. Barbarić, “Modeling Cascaded Cylindrical Metasurfaces with Spatially-Varying Impedance Distribution,” Radioengineering, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 505-511, 2019.
[17] Z. Šipuš, M. Bosiljevac, “Modeling of Glide-Symmetric Dielectric Structures,” Symmetry, Vol. 11, Issue 6, Paper No. 805, 2019.
[18] A. Skrivervik, M. Bosiljevac, Z. Šipuš, “Fundamental Limits for Implanted Antennas: Maximum Power Density Reaching Free Space,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 67, pp. 4978-4988, Aug. 2019.
[19] G. Valerio, F. Ghasemifard, Z. Šipuš, O. Quevedo-Teruel, “Glide-Symmetric All-Metal Holey Metasurfaces for Low-Dispersive Artificial Materials: Modeling and Properties,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 66, pp. 3210-3223, July 2018.
[20] Z. Šipuš, M. Bosiljevac, A.Grbic, “Modelling Cascaded Cylindrical Metasurfaces Using Sheet Impedances and a Transmission Matrix Formulation,” IET Microwaves Antennas & Propagation, Vol. 12, No. 7, pp. 1041-1047, 2018.
[22] B. Ivšić, D. Bonefačić, Z. Šipuš, J. Bartolić, “An Insight into Creeping Electromagnetic Waves around the Human Body,” Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Vol. 2017, Article ID 2510196, 2017.
[23] P.-S. Kildal, Z. Šipuš, J. Yang, R. Maaskant, “Useful Physical Images and Algorithms for Vector Dyadic Green’s Functions,” IEEE Antennas & Propagation Magazine, Vol. 59, No. 4, pp. 106-116, Aug. 2017.
[24] G. Valerio, Z. Šipuš, A. Grbic, O. Quevedo-Teruel, “Nonresonant modes in plasmonic holey metasurfaces for the design of artificial flat lenses,” Optics Letters, Vol. 42, pp. 2026-2029, 2017.
[25] G. Valerio, Z. Šipuš, A. Grbic, O. Quevedo-Teruel, “Accurate Equivalent-Circuit Descriptions of Thin Glide-Symmetric Corrugated Metasurfaces,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 65, pp. 2695-2700, 2017.
[26] M. Vukomanović, J.L. Vazquez-Roy, O. Quevedo-Teruel, E. Rajo-Iglesias, Z. Šipuš, “Gap Waveguide Leaky-Wave Antenna,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 64, pp. 2055-2060, 2016.
[27] M. Vukomanović, M. Bosiljevac, Z. Šipuš, “Analysis of Arbitrary Gap-Waveguide Structures Based on Efficient Use of Mode Matching Technique,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol. 15, pp. 1844-1847, 2016.
[28] M. Bosiljevac, Z. Šipuš, P.-S. Kildal, A. Freni, “Simple Boundary Condition for Canonical EBG surface: PMC-backed Uniaxial Medium,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 64, pp. 785-790, 2016.
[29] Z. Šipuš, D. Bojanjac, T. Komljenovic, "Electromagnetic Modeling of Spherically Stratified Lenses Illuminated by Arbitrary Sources," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 63, pp. 1837-1843, 2015.
[31] A. Aguilar, Z. Šipuš, M. Sierra-Perez, “An Asymptotic Solution for Surface Fields on a Dielectric-Coated Circular Cylinder with an Effective Impedance Boundary Condition,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 61, pp. 5175-5183, 2013.
[33] D. Bojanjac, Z. Šipuš, “Oblique Incidence Performance of Anisotropic Cylindrical Structures Used for Invisibility Cloak Design,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 60, pp. 4814-4821, Oct. 2012.
[35] T. Komljenović, D. Babić, Z. Šipuš, “47-km 1.25-Gbps Transmission Using a Self-seeded Transmitter with a Modulation Averaging Reflector.” Optics Express, Vol. 20, pp. 17387-17393, 2012.
[36] Z. Šipuš, M. Bosiljevac, Ž. Milin Šipuš, “Acceleration of Series Summation Encountered in the Analysis of Conformal Antennas,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol. 11, pp. 1521-1524, 2012.
[42] T. Komljenović, R. Sauleau, Z. Šipuš, L. Le Coq, “Layered Circular-Cylindrical Dielectric Lens Antennas – Synthesis and Height Reduction Technique,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 58, pp. 1783-1788, May 2010.
Book chapters:
[1] A. Skrivervik, M. Bosiljevac, Z. Sipus, “Antennas for implants: design and limitations,“ in Bioelectromagnetics in Healthcare: Advanced Sensing and Communication Applications, W. Whittow (Ed.), The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), 2022, pp. 73-105.
[2] E. Rajo-Iglesias, Z. Sipus, A. Uz Zaman, “Gap Waveguide Technology,” in Surface Electromagnetics: With Applications in Antenna, Microwave, and Optical Engineering, F. Yang, Y. Rahmat-Samii, (Eds.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019, pp. 198-230.
[3] R. J. Mailloux, S. Rengarajan, Z. Sipus, “Conformal and Low-Profile Arrays,“ in Antenna Engineering Handbook, J. L. Volakis, (Ed.). New York: Mc Graw Hill, 2019, pp. 645-664.
[4] Z. Sipus, T. Komljenovic, “Multi-Shell Radially Symmetrical Lens Antennas,“ in Aperture Antennas for Millimeter and Sub-Millimeter Wave Applications, A. Boriskin, R. Sauleau (Eds.), Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2017, pp. 37-73.
[5] S. Hrabar, Z. Sipus, I. Malcic, “Broadening of Cloaking Bandwidth by Passive and Active Techniques,“ in Transformation Electromagnetics and Metamaterials, W. Douglas, K. Do-Hoon (Eds.), London: Springer, 2013, pp. 349-394.
PhD advisor:
- Mingxiang Gao ("Electromagnetic Radiation of Implantable Antennas“, co-mentor, dissertation defended on 15. 03. 2024., École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland, co-supervised with prof. Anja K. Skrivervik).
- Ivan Lujo ("Vibration sensor based on electromagnetic field redistribution in optical fiber", mentor, dissertation defended on 18. 02. 2020., FER, University of Zagreb)
- Petar Bašić ("Fiber-optic sensor cable for simultaneous distributed measurement of multiple physical quantities", mentor, dissertation defended on 02. 09. 2019., FER, University of Zagreb)
- Dalibor Purković ("Long range energy efficient wireless sensor system", mentor, dissertation defended on 08. 07. 2019., FER, University of Zagreb)
- Mladen Vukomanović ("Modelling of electromagnetic guiding and radiating structures based on gap waveguide technology", mentor, dissertation defended on 01. 12. 2016., FER, University of Zagreb)
- Dario Bojanjac ("Electromagnetic Wave Scattering on Planar and Cylindrical Anisotropic tructures", mentor, dissertation defended on 12. 06. 2015., FER, University of Zagreb)
- Tin Komljenović (“Extended-Cavity Optical Sources with Modulation Averaging Reflectors,“ co-mentor, dissertation defended on 09. 07. 2012., FER, University of Zagreb, co-supervised with dr. Dubravko Babić)
- Marko Bosiljevac (“Efficient Analysis of Curved and Periodic Electromagnetic Structures using Asymptotic Forms of Green's Functions,“ mentor, dissertation defended on 03. 02. 2012., FER, University of Zagreb)
- Siniša Škokić (“Analysis of Reflector Antenna Systems by Means of New Conical Wave Objects,“ co-mentor, dissertation defended on 23. 04. 2010., FER, University of Zagreb, co-supervised with prof. Stefano Maci, University of Siena, Italy)
- Slavko Rupčić (“Circular Waveguide Antenna Arrays on Spherical Structures,” mentor, dissertation defended on 30.01.2009. FER, University of Zagreb).
- Nikša Burum (“Modelling of Microstrip Antennas on Spherical Structures,“ mentor, dissertation defended on 05.05.2004., FER, University of Zagreb).
- Sonja Zentner Pilinsky („“Analysis of Signal Propagation in Optical Fiber Based on Finite-Difference Method,“ mentor, dissertation defended on 29.01.2003., FER, University of Zagreb).
- Radovan Zentner („Mutual Coupling Modeling of Rectangular Microstrip Antennas with Parasitic Resonator“, mentor, dissertation defended on 29.11.2002., FER, University of Zagreb)
- Silvia Raffaelli (“Analysis of periodic surfaces and conformal antennas,“ co-mentor, dissertation defended on 15. 6. 2001., Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, co-supervised with prof. Per-Simon Kildal).