Svjetlovodni senzorski sustav za mjerenje vibracija
Cilj projekta je razvoj i izrada svjetlovodnog senzorskog sustavnog prototipa za mjerenje vibracija u dvije osi koji će zadovoljiti tehničke specifikacije, industrijske norme i očekivanu cijenu materijala. Prototip će sadržavati optoelektroničku jedinicu, koja pretvara mehaničke vibracije u optički signal i kontrolnu jedinicu koja svjetlosni signal pretvara u digitalni signal koji se može preuzeti preko jednog od standardnih digitalnih protokola (npr. UCB, IEEE-488, RS-232 ili slično).
Project title: Svjetlovodni senzorski sustav za mjerenje vibracija
Project ID: KONČAR 03
Leading institution: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb
Duration: 24 months (starting 1.2.2016.)
Fiber optic vibration sensor for remote monitoring in high power electric
The goal of the project is to develop a functional prototype of a fiber-optic sensor system for measuring vibration based on intensity sensing principle. Because of the light weight and electrical non-conductivity (no metal parts included), optical sensors allow measurement of physical quantities in several points (so-called quasi-distributed measurement systems) in areas where it is very difficult to use classical sensors, for example due to high voltage environment, strong electromagnetic disturbances, inability to bring electrical power and security requirements. Therefore, fiber-optic sensors represent the most appropriate type of sensors for monitoring power system substations, in particular electrical power plants, large electric motors, transformers and high-voltage transmission lines.
The basis of the system is an intensity fiber-optic sensor, which converts information present in vibrations into intensity variation of optical signal, and a test unit, which converts the optical signal received from the sensor into the electrical signal that can be integrated into a substation control system. The goal of the project is to develop a functional prototype of said optical sensor system for measuring vibration. Innovations in our approach lie in construction of optical sensor, in processing of received sensor signals in real time, and in calibration of the developed sensor system.
Project title: Fiber optic vibration sensor for remote monitoring in high power electric
Project ID: BICRO PoC5_01_67
Leading institution: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb
Duration: 12 months (starting 1.1.2014.)
Project budget: 257.900,00 HRK